I don’t really like the world I am living in. “Perhaps the world isn't the problem” you might say, and you may be right. I have been told by more than one person that I am quite cynical. How a man with a Tigger tattoo gets labeled as cynical is beyond me, but here I stand, disappointed by much of the life I am living. I often find it difficult to feel the same joy that I felt in my youth. I seems sometimes that all the chaos swirling around me is going to come crashing in at any moment, I am willing to bet most of us can agree that Planet Earth in 2011 isn’t the prettiest of places. I will save the problem of evil for another time, but I think it is clear that evil and hardship are in no short supply these days. The question becomes then, how do we deal with these negative forces? Thus far I have been doing a crap job answering that. Having a child has really raised a magnifying glass onto my negative outlook, and I feel desperate to try and change before my daughter is aware of what a bitter man her Daddy is. So, this Christmas season I am chasing after my “George Bailey” moment: a reason to live, rediscovering what this season means, restoring the joy in my life and my hope in this world.
I often ponder how I ended up as disillusioned as I’ve become. The short answer would be, that it is easy for anyone of my generation to gravitate towards the negative. As soon as we were coming of age and starting out in life a pair of planes struck a pair of towers crumbling them along with our high hopes for what was in store for us. If that were the only thing that had transpired we could probably have used it as a jumping off point and rallying cry for greater things, but the hits just kept coming. Without getting into the politics of everything right now( in light of the current situation and taking into account how many different politicians of all parties have screwed us it is really useless trying to place blame) the facts are: There is war and revolution around the earth, our economy is in disarray, the wealth gap is widening, good people are starving, and honest people can’t figure out how to get on in life anymore. Seems pretty bleak huh? That is the only adult life those of us in the MTV and Y generations have ever known. We were raised by people that told us if we worked hard and put our minds to it we could do anything...they lied.
Clearly I don’t have the best attitude about this. I feel like I ought to get some credit for being self-aware enough to see how negative my attitude is, acceptance that you have a problem is the first step to recovery after all. I am sure that there are people my age who have been able to take these things in stride better than I have, but most of the people I deal with on a daily basis feel more than a little bit screwed. I have tried all of the usual methods of attitude correction, self help books and therapy, alcohol and escapism, and religion and spiritual pursuits. Nothing seems to work long term, and I think that nothing probably will. To use a bad quote from a Blink-182 song “I guess this is growing up”. The thing is, I am not saying I that I am ready to throw in the towel. I think the key to overcoming this may be a constant awareness that that we exist in a difficult world, but that we all poses peace and joy within. As Gahndi stated “we must be the change we wish to see in the world” Christmas seems like an opportune time to put this idea into practice, so I have decided this year that I am diving in feet first(or head I am not sure which means you are really committed)
What better time to rediscover the joy of childhood than Christmas? Almost all of us can easily recall fond memories from this holiday. I cant think of a time of year more ripe with opportunity to find the good in life, it is practically puking goodwill and joy. I have already programed Christmas stations into my radio and I am starting to plan out a real Christmas this year. We have queued up several Christmas movies on netflix and are decorating our tree tonight. I am looking for every excuse to douse myself in holiday cheer. I want to remember what it felt like to feel excited about little things like the sights, smells, and sounds of the holidays. I want to give myself something to look forward to next year and remind myself that it really is a wonderful life.
It is discouraging out there. There have been days that I just don't feel I can go through this, but then I remember God and I remember that He knows me. It gives me strength. Then I look for ways to serve others. I have found that there is always someone worse off than me. I look at people begging for coins and feel that it could be me at any moment and what happened that got them there? I can't change the world, but I can do my part to lift other's spirits when they are down. Things aren't going to get to where they are great, but we do as Christ and serve others and look for those who are down. It's everywhere and it lifts us knowing we were helping and also to see the blessings we do have...then we have Christmas all year long! I'm sorry it's been frustrating for you. I hope it gets better :) Love you, Wes!